Having a house with lots of ornamental plants will definitely be very exciting. Besides being cool, we can also learn to take care of plants. In recent years, ornamental plants have often been the choice for people to decorate outside and inside the house. But it’s a bit of a hassle if your house is not too wide if you have to extend ornamental plants on the floor of the house. However, there’s no need to worry because you can buy hanging flowers to beautify your home and it won’t take up much space.

When you decide to buy these ornamental plants, it would be nice if you need to know the kinds of hanging ornamental plants that you can display both inside and outside your home. Here are various types of hanging plants that are suitable in the yard.
Apple Leaf Flower
This plant also has the Latin name Dischidia Geri. For the color of this plant, the overall color is green and foliage. You should avoid hanging this plant in front of windows or near doors.
Instead, place the plant away from direct sunlight to keep the plant healthy.
Begonia Plants
An ornamental plant that flowers perennial and belongs to the Begoniaceae family. This plant is often the choice of ornamental plant lovers. Having a solid shape and the leaves look beautiful and charming, it’s no wonder this flower is the target of those who like ornamental plants.
Sedum Morganianum
At first glance, these hanging flowers look like grapes. But this plant is also touted as a grape cactus. Where this flower is indeed very unique and looks beautiful from its shape that hangs down like grapes. Now this plant is often an ornamental plant chosen by lovers of ornamental plants and this plant is also known as the donkey tail.
Spanish Moss Plant
This plant is also known as a white beard hanging plant which is where we can generally find this plant in trees. From its shape, it looks like a tangled rope or grass hanging down, especially when we find it in the wild. You also need to know that this plant is often used for birds as a cage-making material.
Million Bells Plant
This hanging flower is a relative of the petunia flower. In addition, million bells also have a Latin name, namely calibrachoa. In addition, you need to know that these flowers will not sow new seeds and do not need extra care to keep the flowers blooming. However, what is needed is watery soil and good fertilization and sunlight. In order to make the flower more beautiful, then you can choose a hanging flower pot that is brightly colored.